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Welcome to BirdFlu.com. We strive to connect you with important and timely sources of information that you will not easily find in mass media news reports and popular search engines.
Updates will be posted as the evolving bird flu crisis unfolds.
"Although the presence of three family clusters in the same geographic region with disease onset dates between January 24 and February 5... raises serious concerns, neither the GD MoH [Guangdong Ministry of Health] or WHO updates cite the relationships. The withholding of this information from the large Huaji cluster, as well as clusters in Zhejiang, Hunan, and two clusters in GD (all of which are detailed in local media reports), continues to be hazardous to the world’s health."
-- Dr. Henry Niman, Ph.D. WHO On Huaiji H7N9 Liang Familial Cluster, February 11, 2014
"Today marks the Lunar New Year – and the world’s largest annual migration. There will be more than 3.6 billion transit trips within China, in addition to countless international trips. Yet this celebration comes at a time of growing concern about the H7N9 avian influenza virus. And this concern is not unfounded – should this virus change into a form that easily spreads between people, the world’s next pandemic could occur in the next three weeks."
-- Dr. Tom Frieden, Director, United States Center for Disease Control, How to prevent the next pandemic, January 31, 2014
“If H7N9 influenza or any other novel respiratory pathogen that kills or incapacitates more than 1 percent of its victims were to become easily transmissible, the outcome would be among the most disruptive events possible... Uncontrolled, such an outbreak would result in a global pandemic with suffering and death spreading globally in fewer than six months and would persist for approximately two years... We judge that the H7N9 influenza in China that emerged from birds in early 2013 is not yet easily transmissible from person to person... It bears watching for its extreme severity, high death rates, and potential to mutate and become more transmissible.”
-- James Clapper, United States Director of National Intelligence, U.S. Intelligence Community Worldwide Threat Assessment, January 29, 2014
"Cases going down????? H7N9 cases are EXPLODING in China, including the second case in Fujian province and the cluster in Shandong.
You really need to look at the map and see the distribution, not the REPORTED number of confirmed cases."
-- Dr. Henry L. Niman, Rhiza Labs Flu Tracker Forum, April 28, 2013
Dr. Niman's H7N9 Pandemic Cases & Sequences Map
Dr. Niman's Recombinomics.com Commentaries
Dr. Niman's Rhiza Labs FluTracker Forum Posts
Here is the most recent phone interview with Dr. Niman:
February 20, 2014 Rense.com interview with Henry Niman, Ph.D.
Breaking News:
China reports 5 more H7N9 cases; researchers cite mutation (CIDRAP, February 24, 2014)
Pandemic Potential Seen in Gene Changes of Bird Flu (Bloomberg News, February 13, 2014)
Malaysia Reports Imported Human H7N9 Avian Influenza Case (The Global Dispatch, February 12, 2014)
China Detains Man For Spreading 'Panic' WIth Bird Flu Rumors (The Huffington Post, February 12, 2014)
Bird Flu Reappears in China, Mutations Feared (Epoch Times, February 4, 2014)
Cases of New Deadly Bird Flu Surge in China, Experts Say (The New York Times, February 4, 2014)
With Chinese New Year H7N9 cases soar, but experts struggle to assess the risk (The Vancouver Sun, January 31, 2014)
China Cracks Down on Internet Bird Flu Rumors (CIO.com, May 3, 2013)
Controversial bird flu research by Chinese scientists called ‘appallingly irresponsible’ (New York Daily News, May 3, 2013)
Bird flu likely to appear in Europe, other places, expert says (Fox News, May 2, 2013)
US health leader warns of human-to-human H7N9 bird flu (France 24, April 28, 2013)
China H7N9 Bird Flu Cases Keep Rising, Mainland Total Reaches 120 (Forbes, April 28, 2013)
It's Time to Worry About the New Chinese Bird Flu (US News and World Report, April 26, 2013)
H7N9 Bird Flu Spreads Beyond Mainland China As Taiwan Reports First Case (Forbes, April 24, 2013)
H7N9 Bird Flu Illnesses In China Climb By Eight To 71 Cases (Forbes, April 16, 2013)
Cause for Concern Beyond China? Laurie Garrett on the H7N9 Flu (The World, Radio Interview, April 5, 2013)
U.S. says following new bird flu closely, preparing vaccine (FOX News, April 5, 2013)
Two more H7N9 cases cited; virus may be adapting to mammals (CIDRAP News, April 3, 2013)
China's deadly new H7N9 bird flu virus may be harder to track than predecessors, scientists say (CBS News, April 3, 2013)
Is This a Pandemic Being Born? (Foreign Policy, April 1, 2013)
We don't know, but we think the following book should be carefully considered by the healthcare profession, government healthcare agencies, and everyone who is interested in protecting themselves and their families:
The BHT Book: A practical guide to resolving viral disease
Rhiza Labs FluTracker Forum
Get Pandemic Ready
Life Extension Foundation Avian Flu Update
Older News:
China Reports Year's Second Bird Flu Death (Voice of America News, February 23, 2013)
Toddler is Cambodia's 7th bird flu death this year (Miami Herald, February 21, 2013)
Studies of H5N1 bird flu to require strict reviews (Los Angeles Times, February 21, 2013)
Bird flu found at German farm; ducks slaughtered (San Francisco Chronicle, February 16, 2013)
Mexico: Bird Flu Outbreak Hits 582,000 Chickens (ABC News, February 16, 2013)
How Did Bird Flu Kill 162 Baby Seals? (The Atlantic, August 1, 2012)
Mexico to vaccinate 10 million birds in flu outbreak (Digital Journal, July 26, 2012)
"An influenza pandemic of even moderate impact will result in the biggest single human disaster ever - far greater than AIDS, 9/11, all wars in the 20th century and the recent tsunami combined. It has the potential to redirect world history as the Black Death redirected European history in the 14th century."
-- Michael T. Osterholm, Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota
Source: Bird Flu Could Kill Millions, The Gazette (Montreal), Front Page, March 9, 2005
"I personally believe it will happen and make personal preparations....
Society just can't accept the idea that 50 percent of the population could die. And I think we have to face that possibility....
I'm sorry if I'm making people a little frightened, but I feel it's my role."
-- Robert G. Webster, world-renowned virologist at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Source: Renowned Bird Flu Expert Warns: Be Prepared, ABC News, March 14, 2006
Emergency Supplies: Nitro Pak
Generators and Solar Panels: Northern Tool
Supplements: Life Extension Foundation (a nonprofit organization - membership benefits)
"A Russian virus expert warned that a human pandemic of the bird flu virus was highly likely and called on the government to stock up on medicine and prepare hospital beds.
'No quarantine measure can prevent the pandemic. It can only slow it for a few days,' Dmitry Lvov, director of the Virology Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences said at a news conference in Moscow....
The Russian expert warned there was a 90 percent likelihood that the current form of the H5N1 bird flu virus could mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans."
-- Today Online, March 8, 2006 (also see Russian News & Information Agency)
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